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Giacomo Leopardi, Count (June 29, 1798; June 14, 1837) 

Italian poet and scholar. Devoted to the study of the classics and philosophy from early childhood, although plagued by illness and physical and spiritual frustration, Leopardi became one of the most formidable linguists, thinkers, and writers of his time. His pessimistic view of the world became increasingly uncompromising. His Canti [songs] (1816—37) represent the flowering of his poetry, which rests on a tension between past and present, innocence and rational consciousness. He spoke with romantic yearning for physical and spiritual oneness, even as he pointed to the unbridgeable gulf that separated people from one another and from salvation. Leopardi was a liberal and agnostic at a time when independence of thought was dangerous in Italy. Many of his works were deeply patriotic and contemptuous of the Italian rulers of his day. He wrote political and social satire in the ironic dialogues entitled Operette morali (1826—27, tr. Essays, Dialogues, and Thoughts, 1893 and 1905). A complete edition of his works was issued in 1845 by his friend Antonio Ranieri. Leopardi is considered Italy's outstanding 19th-century poet.

ayinda egzisten las iluziones, malgrado la razon i el konosimiento
el ke save reyir es patron del mundo
el plazer mas rezio desta vida es el plazer vaziyo de las iluziones
ke pena ke bever agua no sea pekado. Seriya delisioza!
la sola manera de evitar ke los otros konoskan muestros limitos es de nunka trespasarlos
las kriyaturas lo topan todo en nada, los ombres no topan nada en todo
las personas son ridikolas solo kuando keren azer komo si o ser lo ke no son
sin memoria, el ombre no savriya nada ni savriya komo azer las kozas
un vokabulario puede kontener solo una chika parte del patrimonio de una lingua